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API support for iframes and React Native WebViews



This example shows how a parent window can exchange messages with multiple iframe children supporting any number of apis. It also demonstrates how a single web app loaded as multiple iframe instances can independently communicate with a parent using the same api.

The parent window uses an iframe to display a full page photo from Lorem Picsum. Then it displays a small row of four iframes over the top of the full sized photo that each display a selectable photo. The parent supports two apis, Api1 has a single function is supported by the iframe that displays the full size photo with a specific id. Api2 is supported by the smaller iframes. These smaller iframes use a function in Api2 that is called when they are clicked on, to send the id of their photo to the parent. The parent then uses the function in Api1 to change the full screen image. When a photo is selected the parent also uses an additional function in Api2 to request a new photo in all of the smaller non-selected iframes.

The parent displays these iframes from two different webapps. webapp1 displays the fully sized iframe, supporting Api1, using the path /#/page1/, and displays the second iframe, supporting Api2, using the path /#/page2. Two instances of webapp2 are luanched in the final two iframes, each supporting Api2.