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API support for iframes and React Native WebViews


WebApiBridge provides a function call API interface between Javascript processes that pass MessageEvent objects such as a a web page and an iframe or a React Native application and a web app running in a react-native-webview.



If you’re using npm:

npm install --save @precor/web-api-bridge

or, if you’re using yarn:

yarn add @precor/web-api-bridge

Type Checking

a Typescript definition file is included. The Proptype declaration for Message is included in types/shapes.js, i.e. to use it:

import { Message } from '@precor/web-api-bridge/types/shapes';


WebApiBridge Class


react-iframe is a simple react implementation of an API between a parent and an iframe.

react-multi is a react implementation of an API between a parent and multiple iframes.

webapp-library extends the react-multi example by creating a functional library abstraction over the bridge for the web app iframes. It also demonstrates mulitiple apis per window and dynamic additions of apis after the iframe based web apps are loaded.

react-native is a simple react implementation of an API between a react-native application and a web application loaded as a webview.
